So my first few weeks in Paris have been a disaster, to say the least. I arrived Monday, January 18th. I moved into my apartment and met my roommate, Erin, who is really nice. I had gotten a urinary tract infection the Sunday I left, so it made it even harder for me to adjust being sick.
Then on Wednesday night, I was napping and Erin was sitting on her bed on the computer, when she heard a noise on the balcony. She peeked around the curtains and there was a man on the balcony. She screamed and we ran out without our keys or cell phones and ran down the hall for help. It ended up that the girl next door was smoking pot on her balcony with three guys when her social worker showed up. She got scared and made them jump across to our balcony (on the 5th floor) to hide. Even though it ended up being harmless, it was traumatizing at the time.
That morning I woke up shivering and with a fever. By the next the day it was 104 degrees. On Friday the RA called the doctor and he came to the apartment and said I needed to go to the hospital. So I rode in an ambulance to the hospital where I waited hours to see a doctor. When I finally did see one, he said that the infection had spread to my kidneys and that it was very serious. They hooked me up to an IV and put me on antibiotics. The worst part was the fever because I would alternate between being very cold and shivering and sweating buckets.
They gave me an ultrasound to look at my kidneys, and then I had to wait about three hours in a bed in the hall to be given a room at 2 a.m. Needless to say, it was a horrible experience. The next day they moved me to the ICU so they could monitor me more. I spent three days there and when my fever finally went down, they were able to take me off the IV and give me the antibiotics orally. The student insurance paid to fly my mom over. She got here on Tuesday and left today about an hour ago. It was nice having her here, but I felt bad that all she got to see was her hotel and the hospital.
It's such a relief to finally be out. And luckily I haven't missed any classes since they don't start until Monday. So far my time in Paris has been pretty terrible because I've been sick the whole time, but I'm hoping things will start looking up now that I feel better.