In honor of Texas Independence Day, I thought I'd put up a picture of the frame I made TC for her birthday. We both love Texas and plan on living here with our hot husbands and adorable children until we are old and senile. So we took the phrase, "Texas forever" from the show Friday Night Lights and adopted it as our motto. For her birthday I thought it would be fun to make her a gift that reflected our future plans for Texas.
It was really simple to make. I bought a white frame at Hobby Lobby (my favorite store) and used a ruler to mark off the lines of the Texas flag. I used a star stencil for the star since my hand can get a little shaky and I wanted a clean line. I painted the different sections and let it dry for a couple hours. Then I modge-podged each section one by one and sprinkled on glitter in the matching color. I let it dry over night and voila! An adorable, glittery Texas flag frame. All that's left is to find a cute picture of the two of us to put in it!